King Breaks is the next installment to the collaboration between Stokyo and Serato Pressings! This is the follow-up to the highly successful and extremely limited Shibuya Breaks. On one side, King Breaks features 11 breaks created by Japanese DMC Champions, and the Serato Control Tone on the flip side. Pressed on limited edition Sky Blue and sold as a single vinyl.
Side AKing Breaks Serato Pressing - Sky Blue Alternatives
Serato 10-Inch Control Vinyl Glow in the Dark (Pair)
Sale price $17.50 USD$ 1750Unit price / per -
Serato 2x12-Inch David Ellis Sidewinder Picture Disc
Sale price $24.50 USD$ 2450Unit price / per -
Pioneer DJ RB-VD2-CB Control Vinyl Pair - Clear Blue
Sale price $24.50 USD$ 2450Unit price / per -
Pioneer DJ RB-VD2-CL Control Vinyl Pair - Transparent
Sale price $24.50 USD$ 2450Unit price / per -
Unfortunately the King Breaks Serato Pressing - Sky Blue is no longer available. This page is here for reference. Check out the great alternatives on this page, or contact us to speak with one of our sales advisors about similar products.
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Unfortunately the King Breaks Serato Pressing - Sky Blue is no longer available. This page is here for reference. Check out the great alternatives on this page, or contact us to speak with one of our sales advisors about similar products.
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Serato 10-Inch Control Vinyl Glow in the Dark (Pair)
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Serato 2x12-Inch David Ellis Sidewinder Picture Disc
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Pioneer DJ RB-VD2-CB Control Vinyl Pair - Clear Blue
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Pioneer DJ RB-VD2-CL Control Vinyl Pair - Transparent
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