Pro Tools FLEX 1-Year Subscription RENEWAL
Pro Tools | Flex is ideal for large-format professional music and audio post-production studios. This 1-year subscription and renewal of perpetual licenses with updates and support gives you access to Pro Tools | Ultimate, which is tailored for pro studios with the most demanding sessions.
- 1-year Pro Tools Flex subscription and renewal of perpetual licenses, featuring Pro Tools Ultimate with updates and support
- Create massive mixes with up to 2,048 audio tracks and 512 instrument tracks, and record up to 256 audio sources simultaneously
- Get inspired with over 120 virtual instruments and plug-ins, thousands of inspiring instrument sounds and loops to spark your imagination
- Experiment, make changes and fine-tune MIDI performances on the fly without stopping the music
- Do everything from recording performances and making music with MIDI to shaping sounds and mixing everything to perfection
- Connect and collaborate with other artists and producers around the world, with 1GB of free cloud storage
- Record and mix performances in up to 32-bit/192kHz, and mix sessions easily with renowned automation
- Cut and mix sound to picture with great precision, speed and ease thanks to advanced automation and editing tools, plus easy studio sync, working with up to 64 video tracks
- Track and mix the largest music productions with ease when using Pro Tools | HDX and audio interfaces for recording pristine-quality sound with near-zero latency
- Accelerate Dolby Atmos mixing with the proven streamlined workflows professionals rely on
- Manage software deployment across large teams easily, plus get a massive bundle of plug-ins and premium content to maximize your creative capabilities
- Power your entire facility with tightly integrated systems and surfaces that offer DSP acceleration for guaranteed performance, near-zero latency and unmatched hands-on control
- Included Software:
- Pro Tools software: Pro Tools | Ultimate
- Included third-party software/services: Celemony Melodyne essential, Immerse Spatial Audio Production Suite, SoundFlow Cloud Avid Edition
- Included plug-ins: Complete Production Bundle
- Pro Tools Ultimate:
- Audio tracks: 2,048
- Instrument tracks: 512
- MIDI tracks: 1,024
- AUX tracks/routing folders: 1,024/1,024
- VCA tracks: 128
- Master tracks: 64
- Video tracks: 64
- Simultaneous recording inputs: 256
- Pro Tools systems and interface support: Pro Tools | Carbon, Pro Tools | HDX and HD Native + interfaces, VENUE | S6L
- Third-party hardware support: Any Core Audio or ASIO-compatible interface
- Multichannel mixing: Stereo, surround, Dolby Atmos, Ambisonics
- Advanced automation: Yes
- Advanced audio post toolset: Yes
- Support: ExpertPlus