ETC Express 125 Lighting Console
Foundational lighting control console with preset-style operation, Expression 3 compatibility, 125 channels.
- Electrical
- Voltage input 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
- Maximum current 0.8 amps
- Built-in interfaces
- 1,024 DMX512 outputs
- Parallel printer
- Remote Focus Unit
- Remote Macro control
- Remote Trigger option
- MIDI Time code control
- ETC Link
- Console lights
- System capacity
- 600 cues per show
- 125 control channels
- Proportional patching of up to 1,024 DMX512 dimmers
- Eight-part multipart cues
- Thirty-three dimmer profiles, all but one of which are editable
- 500 groups
- 99 focus points
- 2,000 macros
- 24 overlapping submasters
- Ten pages of submaster memory
- Two timed/manual fader pairs
- Fader functions
- Fade times programmable from 0.1 seconds to 99:59 minutes
- Manual override of upfade and/or downfade
- Rate override
- Split time fades
- Manual fades
- Background fades with LTP channels
- User selectable default fade times
- Hold/Back functions
- Playback controls
- Two timed/manual fader pairs
- Two (Go) buttons
- Two (Hold) buttons
- Two (Back) buttons
- Two (Rate) buttons
- Two (Clear) buttons
- 24 submasters
- Programmable Master on 100mm potentiometer
- Blackout function
- Trackpad
- Eight softkeys to streamline operations
- Timed control
- Internal or external clock
- 12-hour or 24-hour timing
- References sunrise and sunset with astronomical clock
- Up to 500 user-created, Real Time Programs
- Display functions
- VGA video output
- Extensive online Help displays available for all functions
- Stage
- Blind
- Fader
- Effects
- Spreadsheets: Cues, Submasters, Groups and Focus Points
- Patch
- Park
- Setup
- Flexichannel (displays only recorded channels)
- Channel attributes
- Submaster functions
- Ten pages of recorded submasters each
- Fully overlapping channel assignments
- Proportional channel levels
- The bump buttons for all submasters may be enabled, disabled or placed in solo mode as a group or individually
- Integral LEDs on all submasters
- Programmable fade and wait times
- Live and programmed rate control
- Submasters either overlapping pile-on or inhibitive
- All submasters programmable with effects
- Update function
- Control keypad features
- Spreadsheet editing
- Submaster list
- Channel functions
- 8-bit and 16-bit data types
- Both highest level (Highest Takes Precedence) and last action (Latest Takes Precedence) channel types
- Group function to proportionally manipulate channels
- (And), (Except), (Only), and (Thru) functions for selection of control lists
- (Full) function
- (Level) sets a channel to an editable default value
- Independent channels
- Flip channel
- Link List allows channels to be linked together for control by the trackpad
- Moving light functions
- Fixture personalities may be loaded from diskette
- Patch fixtures by assigning personalities, starting channels, starting DMX512 address, remote dimmer, swap focus, pan or tilt flip
- Five attribute categories
- Fixture box level adjustment
- Fixture focus with Solo
- Cue functions
- Up to 600 cues in the range 0.1 to 999.9
- Discrete upfade and downfade times (00:00-99:59) for each cue
- Linked cue sequences
- Effect cues
- Split wait times
- Follow time
- Link to cue or macro
- Eight-part multipart cues
- Selective cue recording
- Update cue command
- Attribute range editing
- Subroutines, with cue or style steps
- Spreadsheet editing
- Cue list
- Group functions
- Up to 500 groups
- Any cue or submaster may be accessed as a group
- Spreadsheet editing
- Group list
- Focus point functions
- up to 99 preset focus points
- Hard key for quick access
- Update cues and submasters when focus point changes
- Record level of focus point without link
- Available in effects
- Printout available
- Spreadsheet editing
- Focus point list
- Diskette functions
- 3.5-inch high-density diskette drive for show storage
- One show per disk
- Software updates installed through diskette drive
- Retrieve show and configuration contents separately or together
- Macro functions
- Up to 2,000 macro selections for programming
- Macros may activate any key except (Enter Macro)
- Live Learn mode
- Macro editing
- Macros programmable for Macro wait
- Can include in real time programs
- Can include in time code events
- Four macros operated by remote switches
- Powerup macro
- Remote Trigger function
- Effects functions
- Effects may be recorded as cues or submasters
- Up to 100 steps each
- Live effects recording
- Spreadsheet editing
- 8-bit and 16-bit data types
- Variability of rate during playback
- Step times
- In/Dwell/Out Step fade times
- High/Low Levels
- In/Dwell/Out Effect fade times
- Range editing of effect attributes and step values
- Profile functions
- Profiles may be assigned to dimmers
- Ten preset profiles, nine of which are editable
- Twenty-three additional profiles that may be programmed
- Options
- Parallel printer
- Remote Focus Unit
- Lighting Playback Controller
- Remote Interface Unit
- Remote Video Interface
- Remote Macro controls
- Console lights
- Size and weight
- 35 x 15 x 6 inches
- 21 pounds
- Voltage input 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
- Maximum current 0.8 amps
- 1,024 DMX512 outputs
- Parallel printer
- Remote Focus Unit
- Remote Macro control
- Remote Trigger option
- MIDI Time code control
- ETC Link
- Console lights
- 600 cues per show
- 125 control channels
- Proportional patching of up to 1,024 DMX512 dimmers
- Eight-part multipart cues
- Thirty-three dimmer profiles, all but one of which are editable
- 500 groups
- 99 focus points
- 2,000 macros
- 24 overlapping submasters
- Ten pages of submaster memory
- Two timed/manual fader pairs
- Fade times programmable from 0.1 seconds to 99:59 minutes
- Manual override of upfade and/or downfade
- Rate override
- Split time fades
- Manual fades
- Background fades with LTP channels
- User selectable default fade times
- Hold/Back functions
- Two timed/manual fader pairs
- Two (Go) buttons
- Two (Hold) buttons
- Two (Back) buttons
- Two (Rate) buttons
- Two (Clear) buttons
- 24 submasters
- Programmable Master on 100mm potentiometer
- Blackout function
- Trackpad
- Eight softkeys to streamline operations
- Internal or external clock
- 12-hour or 24-hour timing
- References sunrise and sunset with astronomical clock
- Up to 500 user-created, Real Time Programs
- VGA video output
- Extensive online Help displays available for all functions
- Stage
- Blind
- Fader
- Effects
- Spreadsheets: Cues, Submasters, Groups and Focus Points
- Patch
- Park
- Setup
- Flexichannel (displays only recorded channels)
- Channel attributes
- Ten pages of recorded submasters each
- Fully overlapping channel assignments
- Proportional channel levels
- The bump buttons for all submasters may be enabled, disabled or placed in solo mode as a group or individually
- Integral LEDs on all submasters
- Programmable fade and wait times
- Live and programmed rate control
- Submasters either overlapping pile-on or inhibitive
- All submasters programmable with effects
- Update function
- Control keypad features
- Spreadsheet editing
- Submaster list
- 8-bit and 16-bit data types
- Both highest level (Highest Takes Precedence) and last action (Latest Takes Precedence) channel types
- Group function to proportionally manipulate channels
- (And), (Except), (Only), and (Thru) functions for selection of control lists
- (Full) function
- (Level) sets a channel to an editable default value
- Independent channels
- Flip channel
- Link List allows channels to be linked together for control by the trackpad
- Fixture personalities may be loaded from diskette
- Patch fixtures by assigning personalities, starting channels, starting DMX512 address, remote dimmer, swap focus, pan or tilt flip
- Five attribute categories
- Fixture box level adjustment
- Fixture focus with Solo
- Up to 600 cues in the range 0.1 to 999.9
- Discrete upfade and downfade times (00:00-99:59) for each cue
- Linked cue sequences
- Effect cues
- Split wait times
- Follow time
- Link to cue or macro
- Eight-part multipart cues
- Selective cue recording
- Update cue command
- Attribute range editing
- Subroutines, with cue or style steps
- Spreadsheet editing
- Cue list
- Up to 500 groups
- Any cue or submaster may be accessed as a group
- Spreadsheet editing
- Group list
- up to 99 preset focus points
- Hard key for quick access
- Update cues and submasters when focus point changes
- Record level of focus point without link
- Available in effects
- Printout available
- Spreadsheet editing
- Focus point list
- 3.5-inch high-density diskette drive for show storage
- One show per disk
- Software updates installed through diskette drive
- Retrieve show and configuration contents separately or together
- Up to 2,000 macro selections for programming
- Macros may activate any key except (Enter Macro)
- Live Learn mode
- Macro editing
- Macros programmable for Macro wait
- Can include in real time programs
- Can include in time code events
- Four macros operated by remote switches
- Powerup macro
- Remote Trigger function
- Effects may be recorded as cues or submasters
- Up to 100 steps each
- Live effects recording
- Spreadsheet editing
- 8-bit and 16-bit data types
- Variability of rate during playback
- Step times
- In/Dwell/Out Step fade times
- High/Low Levels
- In/Dwell/Out Effect fade times
- Range editing of effect attributes and step values
- Profiles may be assigned to dimmers
- Ten preset profiles, nine of which are editable
- Twenty-three additional profiles that may be programmed
- Parallel printer
- Remote Focus Unit
- Lighting Playback Controller
- Remote Interface Unit
- Remote Video Interface
- Remote Macro controls
- Console lights
- 35 x 15 x 6 inches
- 21 pounds