Eliminator DMX-DJ 12-Channel DMX Controller
Take control over your DMX fixtures with the DMX DJ controller from Eliminator. With it, you can control up to 192 DMX channels with 12 individual channels and up to 16 DMX channels per fixture. You can also set up to six programmable chases, with different speeds and fade times. It offers eight faders that will help you easily create manual programs, a strobe control button and a built-in microphone for music triggering.
Features:- 192 DMX channels, 12 scanners of 16 DMX channels
- 30 banks of 8 programmable scenes
- 6 chases of 240 programmed scenes from 30 banks
- 8 faders for manual control
- Fade Time control over all DMX channel
- Chasing speed and Fade Time of Auto programs (scenes and chases) under control
- Blackout master
- Manual override
- Built-in microphone for Music triggering
- MIDI control over banks, chases and Blackout
- Strobe Control Button
- Controls 12 Intelligent Lights
- Power failure memory