DiGiCo MOD-DMI-ME 40-Output Channel Expansion Card for Allen & Heath ME-1, ME-500, or ME-U (48/96kHz with SRC)
This card offers a 40 output interface to Allen & Heath ME-1 or ME-500 Personal Mixers. Multiple personal Mixers can be connected to the DMI ME via the ME-U Hub.
At smaller scale gigs where it is not possible to have a monitoring engineer, personal mixers are becoming more popular, allowing musicians to take control of their own monitor mix. The DMI-ME acts as a 40-output interface to Allen & Heath ME-1 and ME-500 Personal Mixers. With built in sample rate conversion, it works seamlessly at 48kHz and 96kHz. Multiple personal mixers can be connected to the DMI ME via the ME-U Hub or by cascading ME mixers.
Main Features
- 40 outputs at 48kHz and 96kHz
- 1 Ethercon port
- Suitable for connection to ME-1, ME-500 or ME-U Hubs
- Inbuilt SRC for seamless compatibility with consoles running at 48kHz or 96kHz
- Compatible with S-Series, Quantum Range, SD12 and Orange Box