RME HDSPe RayDAT 66-Channel ADAT PCI Express Card
HDSPe RayDAT is a multi-channel, multi-format and multi-task tool in stunning professional quality, the ideal solution from recording up to the final mastering. For the first time, even SPDIF (phono) and AES/EBU (XLR) are simultaneously operational due to separated hardware and record/playback devices. RayDAT offers no less than 4 x ADAT optical I/O, SPDIF I/O and AES/EBU I/O. That's a whopping 36 channels of inputs and outputs. On top, there are 2 MIDI I/Os and TotalMix, RME's unsurpassed DSP-based real-time mixer/router, with hardware-calculated level metering and complete MIDI remote capability. HDSPe RayDAT also supports the optional TCO for synchronization to timecode (LTC/video).
- 4 x ADAT digital I/O, supporting 192 kHz via S/MUX4 operation
- 1 x SPDIF digital I/O, 192 kHz-capable
- 1 x AES/EBU digital I/O, 192 kHz-capable
- 2 x MIDI I/O, 32 channels high-speed MIDI via breakout cable
- Up to 36 inputs and 36 outputs can be used simultaneously!
- DIGICheck, RME's unique metering- and analysing tool
- TotalMix: 2592 channel mixer with 42 bit internal resolution
- Native PCI Express - no PCI to PCI Express bridge used
- S/MUX poured in hardware: 16 channels 24-bit/96kHz for record and playback on ADAT optical
Technical Specifications
- Supported sample frequencies: Internally 32, 44.1, 48, 64, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192 kHz. Externally 28 kHz - 200 kHz.
- 8 buffer sizes/latencies available:
- 0.7 ms, 1.5 ms, 3 ms, 6 ms, 12 ms, 23 ms, 46 ms, 93 ms
- All settings changeable in realtime
- Automatic and intelligent master/slave clock control
- Enhanced Mixed mode: All inputs and outputs simultaneously operational
- Unsurpassed Bitclock PLL (audio synchronization) in ADAT mode
- TMS (Track Marker Support):
- Supports CD/DAT start-IDs and the read out of CD subcode
- DIGICheck, RME's ultimate measurement, analysis and test tool
- Unique status windows for record and playback, showing mode and sample
- Super low jitter design: Less than 1 ns in all clock modes