Antari B-Station2 Wall-Mount Backlit Push-Button Panel
Crafted to serve as an intuitive user interface for your lighting project, the B-Station2 is a wall-mounted panel featuring six responsive push-buttons. These buttons are highly configurable, capable of transmitting a wide array of control messages through various protocols, including DMX, UDP, OSC, Art-Net, or sACN. The B-Station2 proves to be the perfect tool for triggering your stored lighting scenes within a CueCore2 or LPU-2 controller.
Enhancing its functionality, each push-button is equipped with RGB LED rings, allowing for flexible programming. This versatility enables the creation of a user-friendly experience, such as indicating which button or lighting scene is currently active or reflecting the real-time color of the fixture. Furthermore, messages from protocols like DMX, UDP, OSC, Art-Net, or sACN can be employed to precisely control the feedback displayed on the LED rings.
- Remote control CueCores
- Stand-alone lighting controller
- Control third-party equipment
- Show Control programming
- 6 Push Buttons
- RGB LED rings
- Web-interface for programming
- DMX-512 (ANSI E1.11) opto-isolated
- RDM (ANSI E1.20)
- Art-Net output and input
- sACN output and input
- UDP output and input
- OSC output and input
- TCP Input
- Compatible with Kiosc
- Power over Ethernet (class I)
- 32 fixtures in stand-alone
- 6 playbacks/zones in stand-alone
- FX Generator