DVJ Visuals Pixel Girls Visual DVD Clips
DVJ Vision and Black Hole Recordings have teamed up to releasePixel Girls, a groundbreaking new visuals DVD. Pixel Girls contains eight original visions by Directorand VJ Christopher Andrew. He creates a fantasy digital world, where beautiful women merge withtechnology. All visuals are edited and beat-synced to new releases from Dutch electronic dance labelBlack Hole Recordings.
The eight video clips on this DVD feature all original footage of exotic woman that were manipulatedwith heavy filters and video editing effects. The result is stimulating and sexy, yet subtle and tasteful.Pixel Girls can be used as a standalone DVD at house-parties, played as a continuous loop along withany music in clubs, bars and other venues or remixed live as part of a DJ’s/VJ’s performance. UnlikeMusic-Video’s, this content was specifically created to be played back in night-clubs. There are nocredits or logos, and at the end the DVD auto-loops back to the beginning. This makes it also perfect fornon-DJ applications such as festivals and retail stores.